Friday, January 29, 2010

Bill ending banks' role in student loans stalls in Senate

It appears that the current administration is more interested in usurping private business opportunities than it is in governing. There can be no benefit to students in the current proposal that would change the public-private loan options to a government only option. Perhaps the President's proximity to the Chicago mob is starting to become more evident as his administration strong arms its way into business at the expense of private enterprise.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

Last night President Obama deliver his State of the Union speech which went something like this:

Yes, I know that we have financial issues but in my defense, when I took office we already had problems. I did have to dig that hole a little deeper but I have a plan to fix my share of the damage before I leave office. I still plan on passing health reform even if I have to force it through by veto and executive orders to overcome the opposition that the peoples representatives in congress currently pose.

Yes, Mr President, we got the message, you know best and we the people just need to stop fussing and take our medicine.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bald Eagle US News Dropping 2010-01-03

Universal Health-care
It has a been a busy holiday season. The universal health-care bill made its was through the senate aid by some rather dubious sounding deals. Now I may not be a smart man but one thing I have learned is that if it's a good deal today, it will still be a good deal tomorrow. The only reason to rush a good deal is usually because people want you to commit before you scratch the veneer and discover the truth, it isn't really a good deal. Rushing the Health-care bill through in the wee hours of Christmas Eve only adds to my suspicion and distrust of a bill that I doubt many who voted have even read.

Interestingly most of the polls I have seen ask if we should make affordable health-care available to all Americans. Well heck yeah, that sounds good to me, but it does not mean that universal health-care is the answer. Let me remind you that the government, however well intentioned, already took on the job of providing “Universal Retirement” otherwise known as Social Security and by all accounts the program will be bankrupt this decade despite the fact that all recipients have presumably been making payment over their working lifetime. So in the face of one large social program failing the government proposes to institute yet another program which, I would not be surprised to discover, may provide them with enough cash flow to again borrow from Peter to pay Paul and create another inevitable problem for future generations.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bald Eagle Weekly US News Dropping 2009-11-25

Universal Health Care
There appears to be no argument that we need some healthcare reform but with recent polls indicating that more than half the people in the U.S. are against this bill, its very existence speaks more to issues with congress than healthcare. The bill lacks any means to address the biggest issues facing healthcare today, tort reform. Instead the bill reflects the fact that we the people have for too long been apathetic, failing to hold our local elected officials accountable as our representatives. Yes, it's time for some long standing members of the senate to be voted out of office. Apparently the healthcare bill actual imposes penalties on States that impose there own tort reform. This is not the American way, if you want government controlled universal health-care, move to Europe. We'll check in on you and see how you enjoy your old age when you no longer represent a significant return on the taxpayer money needed to pay for your care and the government starts procrastinating and denying.

Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants
Say what? The last time I checked, the U.S. already has a path for illegal immigrants to gain legal status. If the illegal alien exits the U.S they are free to apply for any of the many visitor visas or avenues that lead to permanent residence. The U.S. has done this twice before and it obviously has not addressed the issue so isn't it time try something else like tougher penalties for those who employ illegals, profiting as they artificially drive prices down below the point that those who employ legal American workers can compete. Interestingly, the citizenship process includes a requirement that the individual be of “good moral character” but under title 8 section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," every illegal alien committed a federal crime upon entry and commits a new crime each day that they elude immigration officers, thus no former illegal alien should be eligible for U.S. Citizenship.

Obams's Approval Rate Dropping
Yes, President Obama did promises change and we can see it coming, but perhaps we are just not so sure that it's change we want or need right now. However, with the election so distant and the collective American memory so short, there is plenty of time for President Obama to recover before the next election and until them, why should he care what we, the people, think?

The War on Terror
During President Obama's bid for the white-house it was often said that he would restore international respect and usher in a new era of mufti-national cooperation. So where are those other participants on the world stage of social political justice? Before he asks the American people to dig deeper into their already depleted wallets perhaps he should try to get the rest of the civilized world to join the campaign against terror. Oh and unlike that smoke and mirror game called the simultaneous bill it would be nice to see some real accountability and measures for success before spending our money and possibly delaying economic recovery still further.

Abortion is a hot button for those on both sides of the issue but the question here is how involved should the federal government be with this issue. We often hear arguments concerning the separation of church and state but the issue is far more complex than that. From the legal perspective most do not recognize a child as having any rights before birth. I would argue that partial birth abortion implies “birth” and thus bestows basic legal rights on the child. The truth is that the frothy mouthed abortionists will then engage in debate about the meaning of birth. So let me be blunt, there is no such thing as partial birth, partial life or partial death. If I walk down the street and see an old lady laying in the road, failing to help save her life makes me an accomplice in her demise. So it is with any viable child.

President Obama encourages math and science in U.S. Schools, an admirable gesture, but ironically his administrate direction towards government control is lightly to reduce the incentive for future generations to focus on these disciplines. There is a reason why the U.S. leads the world of innovation, dare I say it, profit. Let's face it we remove the profit incentive through government control, then we reduce the incentive for young people to invest the time and money necessary to rise to the top of the very disciplines that are the cornerstone of American ingenuity.

Sarah Palin
Love her or hate her, she is a true American. Sarah, an American “Soccer Mom” who decided to get involved in her local Parent Teachers Association and presumably followed the path of necessary reform all the way to the Governor's office. Sarah is the type of politician that our founding fathers envisaged, she is just one of “the people” who stood up in support of something that she believes in. Those who so vehemently dislike Sarah could do worse than to follow her lead and stand up for what they believe.

That's the pile